
A pixel-perfect clone of YouTube where users can: post, view, like, or comment, on other user’s videos


Replay is a video sharing website where users can upload videos and view content posted by others. Signed in users are allowed to leave comments or like a video while non-logged in users are limited to only viewing. Videos and comments are protected with user authentication to prevent users from editing/removing content that isn't theirs. The app utilizes the React-Redux cycle with a Ruby on Rails backend configuration for datebase validations. Videos and images are stored using AWS-S3 cloud-storage and the server is hosted by Heroku.

Link to Site
Link to Repo

Functionality & MVP

  • New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
  • Video upload and playback feature
  • Users will be able to post comments on videos
  • Videos and comments will include a 'Like' feature
  • Videos will have a live count of the number of times a video has been viewed
  • Users will be able to search videos by title and user
  • Users will be able to subscribe to other users and follow their posting activity

Custom User Auth with Error Handling

Users are able to create and account and be logged into across sessions and refresh

Eager Loading to Minimize hits to the Database

Utilized Rails polymorphic associations and eager-loading to optimize querying techniques and minimized requests to the database; thus improving scalability.