Last Man Typing

A pure JavaScript app that tests a user’s typing speed in a fun, challenging way.

JavaScript, Canvas, Google Firebase


LMT is a typing game where aliens are trying to invade Earth and you have to defend it. Each alien spaceship will have a word floating above and the player has to type out the words before they reach the planet. As the game progresses, spaceships will move at a faster rate, and begin spawning quicker and quicker. If too many aliens get through, the town will be destroyed and the game will end.

As the game progresses, aliens with larger words will start to spawn and will do so at a quicker rate. Additional information and features will be mapped out in the Functionality & MVP and Features sections.

Link to Game

Functionality & MVP

  • Objects will spawn on one side of the screen with a word associated with it
  • Typing out words in anyorder will remove object from play
  • WPM counter will be seen with live updates
  • The game will have a unique skin
  • Special aliens will have drops/bonuses when destroyed
  • Mini-bosses will appear if the player survives long enough
  • Multiple skins/themes will be available for player's preference


Video demonstration of core functionality. The spaceship objects fly across the screen and the user needs to type out the word to destroy it. Each successfully typed word adds to the total score.


A screenshot of the Google database with an example of an entry. If a user gets a new highscore, they will be prompted to enter their name and their score & WPM will be sent to the database

Alien Objects

A requestAnimationFrame will rerender the alien objects by calling the Alien.update() method. This method increments the x-position of the spaceship while slightly modifies the y-position